Monday, November 22, 2010

Second weekend of shooting - wrapped

Just a quick message to keep you all updated. This weekend was great -- we had two super long days, but we got a lot done -- a little over 4 pages -- and we are rolling right along. We have nearly half of the footage shot, and though we're still waiting to see what the first weekend's footage looks like, we're all pretty stoked about it.

Thanks to all who gave encouragement, time and support this weekend. It's hard to give an entire weekend over to a film, let alone about a month and a half worth of weekends, and it is refreshing to see the group of people who make up the cast and crew doing just that. It's starting to feel like a family.

Once again, check out our Facebook page for stills of the set. We won't be shooting this upcoming weekend because of Thanksgiving break, but our next shooting day will be Monday the 29th, for the MRI scene. Pray that we can get accomplished what we need for that day. And a special thanks to you for keeping yourself up to date on the film!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

First weekend of shooting

We wrapped up our first two shooting days this past weekend. It was a great success! In two 12-hour days, we shot four pages of the script, which means that we are 1/5 of the way through principle shooting. Now we are just waiting for the footage to return from the lab.

The picture below is from the second shoot. This is nearly all of our cast and crew, minus a couple of people.

We have our next two days of principle shooting this weekend. Check back for more updates! And check out more photos on our Facebook page.