Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Monsters Come to Life: Checking in on the Art Department

We've been working hard on bringing Timothy's shadow monsters to life. Our wonderful art director, Joshua Wacker, has designed several different monsters that we are creating marionette puppets of; once the puppets are complete, we will be filming them in silhouette and then handing the footage over to our equally wonderful visual effects man, Will Rowe, who will turn the creatures into shadow monsters.

We've got a lot of work ahead of us, but the puppets are coming along nicely. Here's a sneak peak of our work so far:

Our art director, Josh

Monday, October 11, 2010

Test Shoot - Accomplished!

We had our test shoot this Saturday (check out the pictures on our Facebook page), and, besides a few minor details that can definitely be worked out for the official shoot, all went smoothly. Three of our fellow Messiah students were stand-in actors, and we found a six-year-old boy to stand in for the part of Timothy. We shot one roll on the A-Minima Aaton, and shot the rest on the Canon Vixia, and are excited to get the footage back and see the scene as a whole.

Check back as we continue our journey! Production will be starting soon.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Test Shoot on October 9th

First off: Our first day of auditions is done, but we're still looking. If you're looking to audition, send your resume and headshot to metamorphosisthefilm@gmail.com, and let us know when it is best for you. We will be doing individual audition times.

This Saturday, October 9th, we're running a test shoot of the dinner scene. The scene will most likely have a filler cast until we can finish auditions and get a set cast. Our location scouting has determined the house of our co-producer's parents' house in Hershey, PA to be the location for the Watkins' home. Stay tuned for more info! The pieces are slowly coming together.